Tonight we had our first fire of the season and I settled in to knitting a new winter scarf.

George was 6 months old last week and now he is more capable of playing I am aiming to get a bit more sewing and blogging done.
Our house is full of a thousand projects all waiting to be finished so that is going to be my aim before Christmas. I spent a day sorting through my sewing cabinet and getting rid of old projects which will never get done so I now have a pile of project to finish before anything new can come in... Let's see how that goes. I'm sure I'm like many quilters who struggles to settle on a project while there are so many beautiful quilts to make. Too many quilts, too little time.
Hello Philippa! I am Lou, living in the UK. I just found your blog, I've got so many started and unfinished quilts and stitcheries too - I think I have more time than you as my son has just turned a horrifying 18 years old! So I have no excuses. The problem is there just seems to be more and more out there, fabrics, patterns, pictures, ideas and so I find it nearly impossible to stay focused on one project. I found you because I was looking for Leanne' House Mrs Beasleys quilt pattern. I've got a blog too - started to encourage me to finish stuff, it's kind of working but now the blog is another thing to keep up with! I sew from my cabin in the garden and right now by the cosy fire. Stop by and say Hi :) You'll see my dozy dog too!