We are slowly getting back to normal here after the very sad passing of my Grandma and then Grandad a few weeks later. It has taken some time but gradually everything is dropping back into place again.
Despite a very sad time I did manage to get some sewing done over the Christmas break.
I am aiming to try to get some projects finished before I start a Rosalie Quinlan's united Stitches which I am so excited about.
Both of these are waiting to go to the framers

I had set myself the task of getting two other projects done by George's birthday but that seems to be approaching a little quickly (I can't believe my baby will be 1)
I bought a quilt kit for him earlier in the year and I started a cross stitch birth sampler when I first got pregnant. If you can believe it I wanted to get up finished for when he was born so all I had to do was sew in the name and date (whoops). The quilt has come along nicely but I think I will be begging the framer to get the birth sampler framed in time.
I will be back with more very soon and hopefully with two nicely finished projects.