Hubby and I decided to have a last minute break to Turkey to enjoy the sunshine and have a good relax. It was wonderful and I could not recommend it enough to anyone. The people there are lovely and the hotel we stayed at was so luxurious. Neither of us tend to do beach holidays, but this time we loved every second of it and a week was no where near long enough.
Max was very glad to see us when we got home, but I think a week of playing with his buddy Megan tired him out. We didn't hear a peep from him in the back of the car on the way back from the hotel and he stayed like this for the morning (close enough to my suitcase to make sure we weren't going away again without him)
On the day we got home, I asked hubby if we could go to our local department store and have a look at sewing machines as mine was really not doing everything I wanted and I would like a new one for Christmas. I had been eyeing up the Singer 160 Anniversary machine which is only on sale in the UK in John Lewis but I took one look at it and realised it was wrong for me. It is a beautiful machine, but too big and not enough features that I would want to use. The lovely sales assistant spent a long time chatting through options and I decided that I still wanted a Janome. She did me a special deal and 20 minutes later it was strapped to the back of my bike heading home before hubby could change his mind...

It does make my old Janome look tiny, but already it is performing wonderfully. I love how it sews and as I have stuck with Janome nothing feels too different. I will have to play with it a lot before I feel very confident on it, but already I love it.
Now all it needs is a name...